Friday, June 25, 2010

Team hike # 3, Briones Regional Park, Orinda

This week's hike was a challenge not because of the uphill climbs (of which there were a few!), but because of the extremely steep declines that took up the last 40 minutes of our 4 hour hike (the hike was supposed to be 3.5 hours, but we accidentally took a wrong turn and ended up going for 4 instead).

Trekking poles would have been very useful for this down hill sections and I'll have to seriously consider investing in a pair.

As you can tell by the photos, Briones is a very hilly area and although brown and not very colorful, the views were wonderful. Imagine what they'd look like in early to mid Spring!

Have been procrastinating on uploading my photos because I've been busy during the week making jewelry! Sold a number of items this week (one bulk order for bridesmaids gifts!!) and the total was nearly $180 towards my fundraising goal!

Will post more of my progress later on -- Go team!

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